Landscaping design of a private property located at the foot of the Blue Stones Natural Park, Sliven.
The goal of the project is to harmoniously integrate the newly designed building and the adjacent yard space into the environment.
There are several recreation areas - a shed with an outdoor dining area and a summer kitchen, and a recreation area with a fireplace, from which residents can contemplate the beauty of the natural park. South-east of the building, the construction of a natural pool is planned, which enhances the feeling of greater proximity to nature.
In the steepest part of the property, the terrain is controlled by a stone retaining wall and a rock garden, which create a smooth transition to the surrounding landscape.
The vegetation is designed to create comfort for the residents, while at the same time emphasizing the beautiful perspectives opening up from the courtyard.
There is also a children's corner, a tool house, and an area for a vegetable garden.